Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sleepless Night

Good Morning Everyone!
     It is 2:30 in the morning and I am still awake. I leave in one hour to drive to Dulles airport to fly to the Congo and lets just say I’m having a hard time sleeping. I cannot believe that the time has come and that I am leaving today. The last few days have been hectic with finals at school, packing my apartment and packing for Africa, but by the grace of God I have finished it all. I have raised all the support needed to go and have done every practical thing that I can do to prepare. In a few hours though, when I leave my parents and the comforts of home, I do not know if I will still feel prepared. I am excited to go and love the people in the Congo, but I am starting to get nervous, so much is unknown! Food, culture, language, customs, and tradition- they will all be foreign to me in a matter of hours. As I begin this transition in a new culture, I covet your prayers.  I have been so blessed by wonderful family and friends who have encouraged me over the last few weeks. Thank you all for your care and support of me, I could not be doing this without you all. I have the following prayer requests for my journey today:
  • For safety as I travel to Ethiopia and on to the Congo
  • That all my flights will be on time and that no luggage would get lost or stolen
  •  That my parents would feel peace as I travel to Africa
  •  That the Lord would work in my heart and prepare me for the joys and struggles that I will encounter at Pioneer Christian Hospital 

Leaving on this trip, I have found comfort in the words of Jeremiah 29:11- “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” The Lord has gone ahead and prepared a perfect plan for me. I am so thankful that serving in Africa is apart of this plan and pray for his overwhelming love and joy to flood my heart.  May you all have a blessed summer!

Love, Lauren 


  1. In prayer for you Lauren! Have been thinking about you all day today :) Loveeeee lots!

  2. SO EXCITED! Praying for you as you travel. Love you. xx
