Mbote (Hello in lingala),
from Brazzaville! I have arrived safely here in Brazzaville and have enjoyed my
first day in the Republic of Congo. I arrived on Monday evening after a long
24- hour travel day. The flight to Africa could not have gone any smoother. I
flew with a Congolese Pastor named Rev. Koumba. He was very helpful in
translating for me and making sure that everything went smoothly. The flight to
Ethiopia was about 12 hours and after not sleeping for the last few days, I was
sound asleep on the flight. I sat next to a South Sudanese refugee from Juba
and enjoyed my conversation with him. Arriving in Ethiopia, I immediately could
tell that I was in Africa. The culture in the airport was already polar
opposite that of Dulles. Everyone was pushing and shoving, willing to run over
one another to get a seat or to be first in line. Everything went well during
our 2-hour layover and I boarded my flight to Brazzaville, the only white
person on the plane. Once in the ROC (Republic of Congo), I was warmly greeted
by Aldophone and his English translator. They helped Rev. Koumba and I to get
our luggage, which thankfully all came in with no problem. Rev. Koumba was
picked up by his wife and I was driven to the Bravo Guest house in Brazzaville
by Honore. Honore as well as Michelle (the coordinator at Bravo) only speak
French. It was hard to be thrown right into being alone in Africa, unable to be
understood. Thankfully Joyce and Laura, the Doctors from Impfondo called back
and forth to help me communicate. After enjoying an egg and pea omelet I headed
to bed for a wonderful, greatly needed, 12-hour sleep.
I was informed that I would be unable to leave Brazzaville to reach my final
destination of Impfondo until Friday morning. I was supposed to leave early
this morning on a United Nations flight, but you have to get special clearance
to be on that flight. Unfortunately, the paper work was not able to get in on
time so I will not be able to leave until Friday. So I have two more days in Brazzaville.
God is really stretching me right now to have me stay here. I am a planner and
a doer. I like to be productive and get things done, none of which I can
presently do. As a female who doesn’t speak French, I cant leave the guest
house unless with a missionary and I can’t communicate with the people around
me. It is really forcing me to relax and trust that God has something to teach
me. Thankfully, yesterday an American missionary from Nebraska took me to her
home for lunch and to talk with a Congolese Pastor who is learning English. I
really enjoyed my time with them and it was a big blessing for me. My parents
reminded me on the phone last night that if my biggest fear right now is being
bored than I am doing just fine.
in Africa is definitely a new experience for me as well. Brazzaville is the
most urban part of the ROC, yet is does not seem that way. The city is about ½
dirt roads and ½ paved roads. People are walking everywhere and I am one of the
three white people I have seen since arriving here. For showers, you use a cup
to pour cold water over you, which actually is very refreshing after being in
the heat all day. So far no crazy bug/animal sightings, just a rat outside my
room last night and a lizard this morning!
As I patiently wait for my flight to Pioneer Christian
Hospital on Friday I have the following prayer requests:
- That the Lord would use this time of quiet and
sometimes loneliness to teach me and grow me
- That today and tomorrow I would have opportunities to leave Bravo and see parts of
- That today and tomorrow I would have opportunities to leave Bravo and see parts of
- For adequate sleep, I have been waking up a lot
in the night and have had a very hard time sleeping in the heat
- That all plans would go smoothly and that I
would be able to take the flight on Friday to
My parents gifted me with 65 letters from family and friends
before I left the US. I have been opening one letter each day and each one I
have read to date has been such a big encouragement to me. Today I opened one from my Mom, where
she had written this verse: Zephaniah 3:17 “The Lord your God is with you, He
is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with
His love. He will rejoice over you with singing.” I need to remind myself that
even during the next two days when I may feel lonely, the Lord God is with me.
Thank you all for your prayers. I am looking forward to reaching Pioneer
Christian Hospital, but know that the Lord is already working in my life.
Peace and Blessings,
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